Cargo Insurance
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-01-13 09:39:46    文字:【】【】【
HT offers cargo insurance services to its customers as a part of its logistics service package. Our “all risks” insurance terms is the most beneficial and reliable solution even for a very demanding customer. Insurance is provided by the leading Swiss insurance companies.
Advantages of Using HT for Insuring Your Cargo
We have a lot of experience in risk estimation in the international transportation market of the Eastern European countries. Highly qualified employees of the Insurance Division are able to promptly estimate the insurance cost of any cargo.
Our customers are offered reasonable insurance fees that allow reduction of insurance expenses to a minimum. The charges are low due to a large number of orders for insurance services while the insurance quality remains invariably high.
Our customers pay for insurance services after the insurance policy becomes valid.
Our employees assist in the inspection of the damaged cargo and the subsequent settlement of claims. We negotiate a prompt indemnity payment with an insurance company.
Our work experience consists of over 300 settled insurance cases and indemnity payments.